10 At-Home Full Body Workout For Strength & Muscle Building


As you’re finally here, I’m sure you took the decision to workout at home.


It’s completely fine!


Because the need to go for a gym is not always necessary,


As you can build robust strength and, of course, burn a crazy amount of calories from home with little or no investment.


Today, I’m gonna introduce you to the 10 effective workouts that will lead your body to the perfect shape.


This exercises are also best for beginners, as it doesn't take so much effort to put.


So for beginners out there, I've simply explained in detail so that you can easily get started.

Moreover, I've inserted video tutorials for each of those workouts.

Thank me later!

Let’s get going.


Before We Get Started

Please make sure your medical conditions are okay and according to your health you can come up with this workout routine.


Many of you ask about the best fitness tracker to get for your gym.


Fit TrackAtria smartwatch is rated great for workout, as it can measure accurate results and have all of the functionalities needed.


Moreover, I’d recommend Dara DMI smart scale, as it really helps to monitor my weight, hydration levels and more.


If you want, you can get this useful resources as this can help you to better keep your motivation and track your ultimate goals in the gym.


Now, let’s dive right into it!


Jumping Jacks

Stand straight with your legs at a distant

Bend your knees a bit and jump high

As you jump, raise your hands up like you’re clapping

Continue to do it 20 times.


Jumping jacks effectively grow muscular strength and burns tons of calories.


This active workout can be a great as a morning routine for everyone.



Get your mat, and

Place your whole body over it, holding the pressure with your ankles and forearms

Stay in this position for 20 seconds as a beginner and 60 seconds as a professional.


This strengthens your core, improves metabolism, and enhances bone joint and health.



Get yourself the perfect mat (optional), I usually use Gaiam yoga mat.

Lie over the mat

Hold your head with your palms

Pull yourself up

Your upper body should reach on the right angle

As you sit on the mat, again lie down

Continue to do it for 20 times

With a break after 5 sit-ups for 20 seconds


This is effective to reduce belly fat and regulates blood flow.



Position yourself like a plank on your mat, but your pressure should be controlled by your palms instead of your forearm.

Lower your chest, and before it touches the floor, lift/push it up

Do it for 5 times as a beginner or 15 times as a professional.


Jumping Rope

Get a skipping rope,

I consider DEGOLSkipping Rope which I got from Amazon, an adjustable rope with comfortable foam handle.

Hold the handle with both of your hands

Swing it

As the middle of the rope drops down, jump higher to let it move back

Continue doing this for 2 minutes straight

Then take 20 seconds break

Again continue to do so, until you reach 10 minutes


Jumping rope is great for your blood flow, energy levels, and help you to become taller.


Moreover, it burns a huge amount of calories, improves brain stimulation, and focus.



Stand straight

Keep your arms front-straight


Bend down as you’re sitting on an imaginary lower chair

Lower down so your thighs are as parallel to the floor as possible, with your knees over your ankles.

Do this for 10 times with a break after 5 as a beginner, and 20 as a professional.


This effectively grows the muscular strength of your thighs and legs.


Mountain Climber

Position yourself like a plank over your mat, just give pressure to you palms instead of forearms

Bend your right leg to your chest and then

Move your right leg back into the position

Then bend your left leg forward and then back

Do this for 20 times with each of your legs.


Mountain Climber grows the muscular strength of your legs, build cardio endurance and core strength.


Regular Lunges

Stand straight

Hold your hips with your hands on both side

Move you right leg forward and

Bend down your knee and place your foot flat.


Again stand straight,

Do the  same with your left leg


Lunges are great for developing lower body strength and endurance.


Concentration Curls

Get your dumbbells, if you don’t have a set

Yes4All Adjustable Dumbells is the best size and weight for men,

While women will love Cap Barbell Neoprene Coated Dumbbell and it's the to best start with.

Sit on a chair

Carry your dumbbells with both of your hands

Lift your right hand

As you lower it down

Lift up your left hand

Do it 10 times for each of your hands or 20 if you target pumping up your biceps

Then take a break for 15 seconds, and continue doing for 10/20 times

Another break for 15 seconds and again 10/20 concentration curls


Concentration curls are helpful to build stronger biceps and the ultimate way of activating muscular strength and power to your upper arm and improves body function.


Lateral Raise

Get your dumbbells on your hands

Stand straight with your hands down

Lift your weights up to the side-straight, until it reaches the level of your head

Then lower it down

Do it 10 times for each of your hands or 20 if you target pumping up your biceps

Then take a break for 15 seconds, and continue doing for 10/20 times

Another break for 15 seconds and again 10/20 lateral raise.


This also boost your muscle strength of your arms and build stronger biceps.



Follow this workouts 5 times a week.


You’ll see unexpected results within a few weeks or so.


This 10 full body workouts are really great for building massive strength and lose greater amount of weight.


Not only has that, fitness workouts also effectively benefit your brain functionality.


Here are 10 Fitness Tips For A Perfect Workout Session You Must Know

Catch you guys later,

Stay Healthy

          Spread Harmony


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