You must have heard or seen someone performing yoga once in your life. It’s actually an ideal exercise for your body and mind.

There are tons of benefits performing simple yoga stretches a few hours a week can give you for your overall physical and mental health.

If you want a peaceful and harmonious life, I suggest you start here. As you don’t want to read a whole bunch of different articles to understand the power and benefits of yoga.

Yoga has its significance for ages. It only doesn't keep my body flexible and improve posture but also relieves stress and increases happiness in my life.

So What other benefits of yoga do people suggest?
The answer is Countless!

Some people say 7 or 9, and some even say 35.

What are the actual result Researchers are getting? And what is the experience of the Yogis?

In this blog that’s what I’m gonna talk about…

Relieves Stress & Improves Quality OF Life
 As I said earlier, yoga is the tyrant in case you’re feeling stressed and feel weak. It boosts your emotional health and helps you to be in a better mood.

I usually perform yoga because of its stress management and relaxation.

In 2007, a study shows performing yoga reduces cortisol levels and lowers resting heart rate which improves measures of stress level in our body.

According to National Multiple Sclerosis, yoga helps with day to day functioning by improving balance, muscle alignment, and promoting relaxation.

Reduces Anxiety
 Many people deal with anxiousness. Yoga is also an effective solution to boost self-esteem and reduce anxiety. 

It keeps you energetic and improves social functioning.

After a few weeks in my yoga program, I started to feel free and was able to express myself to others.

In several research, yoga is found to be an effective way to reduce anxiety and depression.

It’ll also help you to score up your dates. As research suggests among one thousand popular topics in dates used by men and women, yoga stands as the most attractive.

Try next time!

Cure Depression
 Apart from meditation and gratitude, yoga has also been ranked highest as a therapy to fight depression.

In case of fighting depression, yoga is effective than those traditional medical treatments. So most of the doctors recommend joining a yoga program.

Yoga helps you to stop negative thinking, enjoy the present moment and begin to love yourself and your life.

Better Body Image & Weight Loss
 Just like exercises in the gym, yoga also helps you to shape your body. But the difference is it’s a combination of some amount of stretching and meditation.

You'll meet many people in your yoga classes who are beginning to perform yoga for weight loss.

Yoga recovers lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar all of which are good for your heart and blood vessels.

It increases flow of oxygen and nutrients which provide healthier organs, skin and improved brain functionality.

Mindful Eating
Scientist explain most of the people overeat because they don’t often focus on the taste and weight of the food drifting into their body.

That’s why mindful eating has been a popular technique that encourages us to eat less and enjoy the food more.

You’ll be more aware of how your body carries the food and feels with each bite or sip and notice the taste, smell and understand the quantity needed to pour into your body.

It promotes healthy eating habits that control your weight efficiently.

Improved Brain Functionality
I know you were expecting this and it’s true. Yoga makes you smarter!

It sharpens your brain and help with memory and concentration. You’ll be able to focus more and understand things clearly.

In addition to this, yoga helps you to determine and pay more attention to detail when it comes to solving problems.

Better Muscular Strength & Flexibility
Yoga increases muscle strength and flexibility which endurances blood, tunes up your heart, lungs and blood vessels.

It also encourages body positivity and balance.

Better Sleep & Solves Weaknesses
Are you the one who often feels weaker at day because you couldn’t sleep all night? Then here’s the solution.

Poor sleep quality has been due to high blood pressure, depression and obesity. Performing yoga increases the melatonin hormone that regulates sleep and weaknesses.

So, many doctors suggest performing yoga once at night before sleeping. It reduces the need for sleep medications.

Relieves Migraines
Research shows yoga performs effectively when it comes to stimulating the vagus nerve which has been shown to be effective in reducing migraines.

My mom used to have serious migraine pain whenever she overworked. So, I suggested her to try performing yoga.

I bought her Sivan Health & Fitness Yoga Mat which I found the best after trying many other yoga mats.

So, my mom learned to perform yoga copying me and she felt in love with it.

And it worked flawlessly!

Based on the research and findings, Yoga is really a beneficial practice which improves health and enhance overall quality of life.

Now as you’ve found out how performing yoga utilizes and boosts your body and mind, you must be wondering how you can start.

I recommend you to join a Yoga program as you’ll be able to practice in a beautiful environment as well as have fun at the social surrounding.

Or if you’re thinking of beginning your Yoga session at your home.

You can find many YouTube videos related to your goal.

Catch you guys later,
Stay Healthy
          Spread Harmony